Artists lose first copyright battle in the fight against AI-generated images::But the fight may not be lost as the court allowed the artists to claim copyright infringement against Stability AI, Midjourney, and DevianArt, on workpieces that the artists had filed a copyright for.
Yes, please keep fighting to ensure we are locked to adobe’s rent seeking model with no open alternatives.
The best thing for the art world is to make sure independent and poorer artists have no available competitive tools as we head into an inevitably advanced future. Where would we be without our intellectual landlords in such a future. The ones who can afford proprietary datasets are the only ones who deserve to prosper.
Yeah actually I don’t like that. Also as an artist with degrading digital dexterity, such a powerful medium that doesn’t rely on hours of causing my hands more damage is really cool.
Can’t wait to get holodeck style creative experiences. I will enjoy creating such things as well, if it’s not exclusively available through corporately aligned rent systems.
The artists with power want to keep that power and make sure they are still above the other 99.999% of artists who are forced to give it up and do it as a hobby because it doesn’t pay the bills.
They are the true gatekeepers. This is what an incredibly oversaturated industry does to the ones lucky enough to make it.
Unfortunately, they are willing to sacrifice everybody else’s future in this tech to do so. Short-sighted assholes.
It’s like we’ve come full circle from the early 2000s.
At that time, the MPAA and RIAA was paranoid about changing technology disrupting their copyrights, and fought tooth and nail against it.
So what happened was other corporations created products which dominated the markets of that emerging technology.
Now we have individual artists grouping up to fight tooth and nail against the inevitable tides of change, having learned nothing from history, instead of grouping up to own that future.
The generative AI products that are trained using artists’ own Photoshop files with full change histories, WIP pencil sketches, etc are going to be WAY better than ones trained off just the final images online.
But those products may never exist at the current pace of things, as the art community unwittingly cedes the stake in their own future to mega corporations.