Me over here with 40mbps taking days to download games.
I hover around 3Mbps on download, often falling below 1Mbps during peak hours :-/
It’s still enough to stream YouTube videos in 360p/480p.40Mbps would be damn fast. For me, at least.
I usually get 5-10 Mbps download during peak times, which is enough for 720p YT and decent video calls. I really don’t understand why people always need faster and faster internet. Although I just checked, and I’m getting 60 down just now, which is way more than I have ever seen.
Do you live in the boonies?
Nope. It’s just the best €13/month gets me.
Same. In a large city no less. With new apartments down the road, less than a quarter mile away, having fiber while we have DSL ffs in our whole neighborhood. No other choices for broadband. Fuck ATT.
No, I like my ATT 1gbps symmetric with no caps
I hate you, because ATT’s fiber stops about 1/2 mile from my house. My house has never even been able to get fucking DSL.
I’m happy for you. I get 45 with a 1.5 terabyte cap. Fuck ATT.