Highlights: The White House issued draft rules today that would require federal agencies to evaluate and constantly monitor algorithms used in health care, law enforcement, and housing for potential discrimination or other harmful effects on human rights.
Once in effect, the rules could force changes in US government activity dependent on AI, such as the FBI’s use of face recognition technology, which has been criticized for not taking steps called for by Congress to protect civil liberties. The new rules would require government agencies to assess existing algorithms by August 2024 and stop using any that don’t comply.
Joe Biden probably has no idea what most of those words mean, let’s be honest here. He’s only the president because the only other option we were given was worse.
You’re wrong, but you’re actually right.
I’m only “wrong” because others are reading something other than what I said. I’m gratified that at least one person understood though.
No, people are responding to what you said. Maybe what you wrote doesn’t impart your meaning as well as you thought it does.
Cool story bro.
I don’t want somebody that knows and understands everything. I want somebody that surround themselves with people that collectively know and understand, and can then explain it to him like he’s an octogenarian.
Exactly. The best president is the one who consults with others on essentially everything. Even if they are an expert in an area, Still get second opinions. Obviously that is time permitting, They still need to be knowledgeable enough to react quickly when necessary.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Trump’s policy to always be the smartest person in the room? That would explain some things…
Just because some of us understand this issue better than him it doesn’t mean that we should expect him to understand everything at the same level as if he worked in the area… it’s impossible he can’t be an expert economist, computer scientist, anthropologist, chemist, biologist, etc… rolled into one.
For the record I don’t think he is a great president.
You cannot judge how great a President was until long after they are out of office. Good things usually take time. Bad things can be immediate.
Yea. But he doesn’t seem to have a vision. I don’t think corruption is great and bidenomics is just bullshit. I am not saying he is the worst ever just that it’s not very good.
I’m not sure what you’re looking for with a “vision.” Sounds like something a populist does and fails at. Biden has to fix all the shit Trump and the Republicans ruined and he won’t likely have time for a lot else. If he can get control of Congress next year by a good margin it’ll help.
To give you an example he might claim to want to curb the corruption by changing and limiting donations to political candidates/organizations. The populist vapid version of this would be something vague but catchy like “drain the swamp” that can mean anything.
The President doesn’t have the power to do that.
Ok if you could not understand that was an example I think Im good with my current opinion.
I’d expect when talking about a specific person’s vision, you’d give an example of something that specific person can do.
So what? The biggest part of picking a President is the people they’re going to put in their cabinet and surround themselves with. That’s the problem with Trump. He’s going to fill the presidency with a bunch of maga ass hats, on top of doing his own damage.
He’s only the president because the only other option we were given was worse.
Not if you ask the freaks in /r/neoliberal. They think he’s the best president ever and that his only problem is a bad PR team lmao
He’s absolutely fine, and the vast majority of complaints I’ve seen fundamentally misunderstand the limits of the Presidency and why an experienced politician has rightful reasons to be cautious about the consequences of radical actions. Populists love to fill your head up with great ideas, but gloss over or ignore the consequences. Some end up lying about it others aren’t effective. Experienced politicians aren’t flashy but get things done step by step.
He’s absolutely fine if you don’t care about unconditional support for a genocidal apartheid state or the right to strike. Those are both cases where doing literally nothing would have been better than what he personally did.
Gaza–Israel is a hugely complicated situation. Let Hamas get away with it and you show their backers that they can get away with attacks like these. The Biden administration works behind the scenes more than out in public. We won’t know what they are saying to the Israelis. It’s a proxy war with no good solution. What are you referring to specifically?