Heat pumps can’t take the cold? Nordics debunk the myth::By installing a heat pump in his house in the hills of Oslo, Oyvind Solstad killed three birds with one stone, improving his comfort, finances and climate footprint.
You’re just repeating what all the gas installers keeep repeating so they don’t lose business.
Every House built after 1990 or houses that have had insulation makovers in the past 20 years are perfectly fine to heat with a heatpump.Yeah, I know, I have a heatpump. However, it’s just working so well at about a COP 1:4 at the moment because I’ve got flow temperatures of less than 30°C due to heated floors. If I needed 50°C I’d be down to about 1:2.5 right now and that’s not cost saving anymore compared to gas.
And I’ve checked, my exact model costs about 13k€ right now, make that 2k€ installation costs and we’re not far off.