YouTube is getting serious about blocking ad blockers::YouTube is cracking down on ad blockers. In a statement to The Verge, YouTube’s Christopher Lawton says the company has launched a “global effort” to urge people to allow ads on the platform.
Purge cache and update, it’s that simple.
What part of I update daily did you miss? You think I’m here updating daily and not clearing my cache? Yt is blocking the updates 6 hours after they are live…
Don’t be a condescending prick if you have no idea of the situation on the ground It’s that simple.
Yikes response
If you would happen to have further information I am all ears. I don’t have time for people who reiterate information from a script when I’ve already preformed the troubleshooting step they suggest. Just because it’s still works for them does not mean I’m not being rotisseried by Google and it’s never-ending ads. My current temp fix is I rip FF out of my PC and Reinstall it after nuking all it’s data then I add unlock back. Which is the only temp fix I have found…
So in a word yes I am pissed.
Dude, I’ve been using Ublock for years and this last month I had to update 4 times tops, it works just fine.
On my tv I just downloaded smart tube and I’m also ad-free.
On my phone ublock didn’t even need updating.
Dunno, it works on my machine
Did you read the article? Specifically the part about how YouTube are selectively rolling out the warnings and how not all users are affected? I’m trying to not be pissy but you lot are infuriating.
I have gotten the warnings and got rid of them, Google is updating their script every so often but the ublock devs update the filters pretty quickly.
You’ll get the warning in between these updates but that’s it.
Could you do me a favor and inform my browser of that so it only shows me a warning tonight? I could deal with a warning instead of the blockade that stops any content from loading.
Just follow the steps the devs listed on their reddit post, that should work.
To avoid any miscommunication can you please link the post and then I will confirm if those are the steps that I have already been applying