I wonder how often curse words or obscure slang are included in dictionary attacks.
What about non English words, or slang? That would be interesting information to have.
Very smart idea, because everybody knows that dictionaries exist only in the English language /s
What do you imagine is the most used dictionary for dictionary attack? English must be up there, meanwhile Finnish for example isn’t going to be quite as popular
What do you imagine is the most used dictionary for dictionary attack?
Klingon, obviously. Every hacker who ever wants to become famous must be fluent in Klingon first, as we all know.
Lots of languages have local dialects and those dialects themselves can have their own slang. In Italy the local dialects can differ quite a bit. Do you think there are dictionaries for all the local slang in the Sardinian dialect? Lots of Italian maps don’t bother to even include Sardinia.