Look at that shit! Before it was here are your two browsers choose! Now it’s…how about for the letter A? Suppose a website starts with an A, would you choose Edge to be your default browser?.. then you choose chrome or Firefox, and when you click on a link Edge Pops up with some shit like…Are you really sure you wanna use Firefox to view websites that start with the letter A?
Fuck Microsoft! Give us a fucking break you assholes! You are this turd of a company that is just stuck to company’s assholes and that’s the only reason any fly will ever touch your software.
Do you consider Edge to be worse than Chrome?
/edit: I asked because they said “You want us to use Edge” when evidently many people do use Chrome, and I don’t see Edge being noticeably worse than Chrome.
It is chrome with a different tracking system
It’s chrome without Google’s ad “privacy” bullshit.
It has Microsoft’s one, tough. It isn’t different
It is different. Chrome automatically opted US users into their new “topics” advertising feature which allows Google to use your browser history to assign topics of interest to you and use it to deliver targeted adverts at you.
A wolkswagen golf and a jeep renegade are 2 different cars, but they are still cars…
If chrome is a blue jeep renegade, edge is a green jeep renegade, with a GM logo and a different gps system
Are suggesting that nobody should use any web browsers because they are all web browsers?
No, I am saying that edge is literally chrome with a different logo and a tracking system that aggregates and sends the same type of data to a different server (a MS server).
If someone feels like chrome is a bad browser, they should use Firefox, which isn’t Chrome
I don’t disagree about Firefox, but if someone has to use a chromium based browser, Edge is far better than Google Chrome
It was at least running its own engine until a couple years ago. But now, you may as well use chrome.
But don’t use chrome. Use Firefox.
Wasn’t its engine basically just an updated Internet Explorer engine, though?
It is chrome, but bloated with microsoft crap.