Look at that shit! Before it was here are your two browsers choose! Now it’s…how about for the letter A? Suppose a website starts with an A, would you choose Edge to be your default browser?.. then you choose chrome or Firefox, and when you click on a link Edge Pops up with some shit like…Are you really sure you wanna use Firefox to view websites that start with the letter A?
Fuck Microsoft! Give us a fucking break you assholes! You are this turd of a company that is just stuck to company’s assholes and that’s the only reason any fly will ever touch your software.
I’ll be honest, there was a time when Edge was a really nice browser. Probably the best of the chromium browsers. It had an excellent reader mode, impeccable PDF viewer, and a few small quality of life tweaks that actually improved shopping, privacy, Etc. But then Microsoft did what Microsoft does and filled it with bloat, needless features, an unclosable assistant, and ever more aggressive tracking.
In a year, they’ll abandon it and rebrand it the new Bing browser, and the cycle repeats
Firefox has a really nice reader mode, it will soon get a much better PDF viewer and it doesn’t come with much bloat. You can also use LibreWolf to fully minimize bloat in Firefox and enjoy the additional privacy benefits.
PDFs in web browsers shouldn’t be a thing.
Why not?
Security and Resources.
they are yet another attack surface for vulnerabilities. Modern browsers are super heavy on resources. I don’t want to open a bloated browser to view a PDF, thanks.
If windows had a half decent PDF viewer like every other platform we wouldn’t need PDF.js
I love your combos in Melee
That’s why I switched back to Firefox. In the end, I always switch back to Firefox.
You know, there was a time when people used to go to sears for the good stuff and to Kmart too. Then they screwed up big enough among their competition and now there may be like one or two of those places still open somewhere behind a MacDonalds on a refurbished MatCo truck that used to be a Taco truck too.
I can’t wait for the day Microsoft is finally just some shitty ass UPS truck painted over with their logo still showing a little and three guys in it repairing the last known laptops to ever run windows. I’d adopt a dog just to walk him by and let him pee on the tires.
Microsoft, you’ve done everyone wrong too many times one last time.
It’s funny that a lot of this is people with bullshit jobs trying to justify their existence. A company this big gets bloated internally with staff - especially middle management - that will manipulate information to prevent themselves from becoming redundant, so they will insist that their specific project is super important and they absolutely need every engineer working for them, because their prestige and pay are connected to how many people they manage. So then your software fills up with useless junk until the problem gets so bad it can’t be ignored. There’s a big internal shake-up and products get rebranded but most of the organisational bloat remains, so the cycle starts again.