too short, for all that effort just use a sentence with a symbol and a number.
FacebookCanGoToHell!123 is more secure and easy to remember
Youre going to memorize a unique sentence for each service?
A method like this allows you to memorize only 4 words of arbitrary length, a number, and a simple algorthm to yield unique passwords for each service.
Also you can’t really “forget” a password, because it’s connected to the name of the site. Very clever
You can also add a standard phrase to all of them that is shared between them all just to make them more complex
yes, it is what I do now. there was a time when people memorized 10, 15 phone numbers.
Yeah putting the name of the service in the passphrase is actually pretty secure, unless the rest of the password is like “thisisapasswordforFACEBOOK” cause then one password gets leaked and the rest can be inferred.