Canada’s Carbon Price Working, So Of Course It’s Being Attacked::How Do You Defend A Working Carbon Price That’s Benefiting Poor People?
There are indeed rural places in the world with decent public transit, and rural places get the same benefits of efficient transportation as cities. We just don’t want to build non-car centric rural places in North America for whatever reason, in fact we got rid of long distance passenger rail here, which used to serve tons of rural areas and was seen as a standard mode of transportation even in rural places until the rise of cars and highways, so public transit has actually gotten much worse in rural areas and the transportation barrier has genuinely been shown to be a major contributor to the higher rates of poverty in rural areas.
Oh absolutely. I’ve seen it firsthand. In 2001 the neighborhood I grew up in flooded. Houses that were worth 200k suddenly started selling for 5-10k (even less in some situations). 5-6 bedrooms, 2 story houses.
Poor people seen an opportunity and took it.
Even the smartest of their children were stuck. No cars, grocery store 30 miles away. They were fucked.
So where did they get their food? The gas station/convenience store, that’s where.
Children were raised on slim Jim’s and Mountain Dew.
What they could have purchased for one dollar they pay 3.
It’s a sad and ugly reality.