No. Can u remind me again why nasa was invented? Was it something to do with a propaganda war with the USSR and a space race perhaps?
Anything a government (or company) puts out can be seen as propaganda. Nobody is going to talk shit on themselves if they can avoid it.
And yes govt tech usually has a military origin and is part of a race against other militaries. Rocket motors, missile guidance systems, satellite imagery, gps, computers, encryption, the internet. It’s already well underway for AI. Just because they have their start in military application or global competition doesn’t mean they aren’t rad as hell or not worth learning about.
If you don’t want to watch it, nobody is forcing you to.
Oh man nobody tell this guy who created the first internet.
I’m just picturing a guy in his garage hunched over his workbench tinkering away until one day, “Eureka! I’ve done it!” and that’s how the space agency was invented.