Are you serious, they did not use proper filters to block the really harmful UV? One can only hope that they get sued to shit.
It’s not that they didn’t block UV, it’s that they installed UV lights in the DJ booth because it would “look cool”.
It was a purposeful choice, and no one stopped to think about why it was a bad idea. Which is totally on brand for people running a convention based around NFTs.
Apparently they were UV tubes meant specifically for sterilization. It’s almost poetic.
So it wasn’t just UV A or B which is found in normal sunlight, but the extremely dangerous and potentially cancer causing UVC radiation that your body does not have a natural resistance to and most sunscreen does not protect against either.
Monumentally stupid.
The way I learned to remember it are
bored ape conference
Monumentally stupid.
hey man, you can’t just use youdontsay.png I have minted it using my lifesavings it belongs to me.
I’m gonna go put youdontsay.png on t-shirts that I’ll sell on Amazon and good luck finding a lawyer to sue me with your youdontsay.png money.
Damn, I got NFTed again :(
Yes. It’s got powerful germicidal effects mainly because it absolutely shreds and scrambles cell DNA with direct exposure. Bad for cells. Unfortunately it doesn’t discriminate between single and multicellular organisms.
Probably a mix up of sorts and the responsibility lies with the contractor that installed it. I don’t believe the Bored Apes crew organized everything themselves down to the lights, it’s not their job. They just paid a company to do it for them.
Asia is much, much more serious than the West regarding sanitation, especially since COVID. UV door frames at the entrance of public transportation is a thing. Where I live, before entering a pharmacy during COVID I had to step in a pond of sanitizer, then was sprayed with the same, then had to wash my hands.
I’m not surprised the contractor had a stockpile of UV tubes to be used specifically for sanitation purpose. Now, did they just confused them with regular black light tubes or did they use them on purpose, or a mix of the two? I guess there’s going to be an investigation to sort that out. Wouldn’t like to be them, the Hong Kong judicial system is not known for being lenient, quite the opposite.
They thought it would be the “can’t make babies” kind of sterilization. They were just trying to help prevent the creation of more crypto bros.
“Where is there a eugenics lab we can rent some sperm and egg sterilization lamps from?”
Scarcity creates wealth, according to their logic. In 2047 when all but the last two cryptobros have died from ingesting the LD-50 of jaegerbombs, those last remaing, blind, hairless brain damaged cryptobros will be valued at trillions.
Only until there’s one left. The second to last one keels off this mortal coil and immediately all their combined wealth disappears due to lack of demand.
I saw a case of this in a documentary, a club installed ‘pretty’ powder blue UVC lights everywhere and it crisped up the attendees. The UVC part of the light doesn’t register to your eyes, so your pupils stay wide open and the designers added tons of it because it wasn’t that bright.
Well that’s horrific
I had no idea this event was in Hong Kong, the last time it happened was in Hong Kong too.
Yeah was going to say why does this sound familiar… 100% lawsuit incoming.
Big Clive on YouTube just posted a reaction video to this story. He mentioned that it happened recently in Hong Kong at an event by the fashion label Hype Beast. He then goes on to look through pictures of the event and actually located what appear to be germicidal tubes used instead of black light tubes.
Nfters and not thinking ahead: name a more iconic duo
Ok you win
They used the wrong type of bulb. Ordinarily the bulb will be made of a UV blocking glass, and not be quartz based. I think? So it’s not usually the shroud that stops UV except in cases of Halogen bulbs. These would be CFL without any shield except perhaps a cage to protect against things thrown.
The bulbs in this picture sure do look like UC-V sterilizing lights.
what exactly am i looking at here? is this an open floor plan bathroom?
I’m assuming it’s not a bathroom and just a display thing. I don’t know why, but they have an obsession with toilets and the stuff in them. They made a sewer based mobile game with the monkeys before. It makes the fact people are that into them even more confusing.