Maybe in your country, here the majority of sold cars are electric. And the charging network is great. (Switzerland)
Yeah, I’m from Germany. So we are big petrol heads over here …
Also, my point was about pricing, is that different in Switzerland? I would doubt that.
Well, the majority of Swiss people drives overpriced SUVs anyway… so I guess the margins are pretty good And people here see the saving potential if you use less than 0.35 CHF/kWh 🔋 power compared the often more than 2.0 CHF/L ⛽️ power 1L of ⛽️ has about 10kWh but energy going to the street is way less compared to EV
Right. Thanks for sharing.
I hate the SUV trend as a whole, but especially in EVs it’s just so non-sensical. Trying to build more resourceconsious vehicles, but at the same time building them twice as big and heavy as they need to be, while trying to achieve range …