The same threat actor has leaked larger amounts of data from LinkedIn dated 2023. They claim this new data contains 35M lines and is 12 GB uncompressed.
Well, fuck. This was the ONE social media site that I put my data on, and that was out of necessity (job hunting). I know it’s not the same, but this sort of feels like the Equifax breach.
If it’s any consolation, LinkedIn is notoriously terrible at this, so your data was probably out there as early as 2016 and almost certainly after 2021, when they managed to get hit with similar breaches twice in the same year.
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It’s not an actual leak. It’s mostly scraped data and fake addresses.
And we share real background information, very specific details. This could lead them to our friends and colleagues!
But I’m not sure it can be called social media, though, but if you are looking for social media platforms that can avoids data leaks, and don’t ask for your personal info when register, WireMin and Damus are both good choices.
Speaking of which, we should have a version of LinkedIn that is decentralized!
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deleted by creator
linked in that is decentralized
Now you shut your damn mouth, let’s just let Linked In die like it was always supposed to. It’s not some sort of positive networking platform, it’s just a platform that reinforces the old boys club, with some cringey posts from people who are trying to hard.
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It’s so stupid, but definitely can be helpful professionally to maintain a profile there. Depends on your experience and what field you’re in, of course, but recruiters seem to use it a fair amount.
Definitely don’t use it for the garbage social media aspect (it’s like some weird crowd-sourced Chicken Soup for the Soul shit??) However, I’ve been convinced of its utility after getting a new job through a recruiter there without even looking. The process was sooo easy compared to applying for jobs the traditional way. Icing on the cake was that it came with a 50% raise and was for a position I would never have applied for on my own but I love it. Maybe it was lightning in a bottle, but I figure doesn’t hurt to keep up a page just in case another good opportunity comes along. If nothing else, the recruiters I hear from give me a sense of how hot the market is and what kind of jobs my profile is pinging me for in case I want to make tweaks.
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Oh god yeah, I feel that. I’d have a harder time keeping mine up if my colleagues were actually attempting to engage with me on it haha.
Its all HR people constantly job hunting by sharing the equivalent of those “hang in there” wall posters from the 90s and adding a paragraph about what it takes to make it in the workforce.
Ill make one of these bullshit posts now.
In school my old teacher Mr. Gerry would perform the elephant toothpaste experiment. This got me thinking. The glass beaker is like the job market and the chemicals mixed together is like your marketable skills that grow to fill the needs of the job market. In my 16 years as a human asset coordinator I’ve come across many difficulties that required shifts in how I approached the job market. Be like the elephants toothpaste and explode into the market beeeeyaaaaa
And everyone is a *manager or “executive of”. Even a McDonalds burger flipper is “executive in charge of protein rotation”
It still works as intended if you ignore all that and keep your head down. I get a fair amount of relevant offers and I got rather nice jobs through it over the last 15 years.