I added a trackpoint to a corne-cherry (crkbd) keyboard for ergonomic pointing bliss!
Build details: https://github.com/joh/crkbd-trackpoint
Thanks! I paid $28.55 per SK8707 module + shipping (around $22 to Norway).
Ok, I gæs it’d be about the same shipping to Denmark. Compared to sourcing from ThinkPad keyboards, I find it very appealing to not have to risk popping the pin pads of the pcb when desoldering the keyboard ribbon cable. I’ve caused a few casualties.
Edit: Ah, I see you had to undsolder a ribbon cable from the controller board, too.
You don’t have to desolder the ribbon cable. You could use some sort of ribbon cable connector, if you have one available. But I found it more practical to only have the wires I needed. And desoldering the ribbon cable was fairly straightforward.