Yeah great, then I can talk to literally nobody because I’ve never met a single person in my life who has signal, and now it doesn’t even do texts anymore! Hooray!
Signal is this weird middle ground. I would prefer it if the person already has it. But if I am to try convincing someone to at least try another messaging solution, I would rather lead them to XMPP.
Also having to use either signal-cli or Waydroid is VERY annoying, because they arbitrarily decided to screw desktop over.
I’m using it. Thinking of bringing peoples from lemmy to signal.
SMS was considered a safety issue amd discontinued.
And if nobody in your friends group start talking about, nobody will get to know it.
I know it was, that’s when I stopped using signal. And I’m not going to waste my time trying to convince a bunch of people to sign up for yet another app to chat in, they’re not interested and don’t care because WhatsApp exists.
I was in your place once.
At some point I just decided I couldn’t be bothered with installing junk software that rendered my low spec cellphones unusable in a very short time.
If anyone wanted to reach me they could send me an sms, email me or spend the time to properly call.
Worked like a charm to thin the herd.
I’ll remember that next time I decide I have too many friends. My low spec phone works just fine with one extra app on it.
Just today I found out that usernames are available for public testing.