iOS 17.2 hints at Apple moving towards letting users sideload apps from outside the App Store::undefined
Where were you when I was arguing with some dude on Reddit about how people “buy iPhones specifically because they can’t sideload” 🙃
Like no, there are lots of genuinely good reasons to buy an iPhone… This is not one
Thank you Tim Apple for freeing me from choice just because the same people that send gift cards to the “IRS” would likely install 85 safari toolbars if sideloading was enabled.
But why would you do that though. It’s a phone company, I couldn’t give two shits which phone someone uses. If someone were trying to drag me into an argument about something so mundane I’d probably just agree with them so we can move past the subject.
People argue about OSes too. It’s petty. Use what you want. It’s your money and your time.
Because constructive criticism makes the world go around. There are things I like about iOS, that’s definitely not one.
There are also ethical issues involving the lack of sideloading. Imagine Microsoft had never allowed people to install unapproved software in Windows. There would be a lot of Chinese folks that get around the great firewall that never would’ve been able to do so. Taking sideloading away makes it very easy for the CCP to just say “don’t sell that on your store” and for that to be the end of the story.
Because which phones (and any other product, for that matter) people choose to buy ultimately affects the direction of the entire industry. See: headphone jacks.