First planned small nuclear reactor plant in the US has been canceled::NuScale and its primary partner give up on its first installation.
Does solar power use some rare earth minerals and stuff like that? They own those, but you probably need them for nuclear and others
I can’t put a nuclear station on my roof or in my basement
Currently, no. With enough investments in nuclear and less fear mongering, it’s possible that’s be an option. Small scale nuclear reactors can exist and can be safe, and the amount of nuclear material they’d need is fairly small.
Were you… Were you going to?
I mean, a teenage boy scout once built something like an amateur reactor in a shed in his parents backyard shed, so I see nothing wrong with a tractor on the roof or in a basement.
Watch me.
Silicon, iirc
Made from sand. A very rareaterial.
Yeah every power source needs some materials.
Yes and so do the batteries and all the controls.
There’s not necessarily a need for batteries. I’m generating energy and use it up directly, and inject the overage back into the grid against a compensation, and then at night or during times of heavy cloud coverage, I draw power from the grid pretty much on par with the money I received. So far it’s a zero sum game or slightly profitable.
Ok cool. So you outsourced the battery needs to someone else. Good job. Hey I figured out how to fix global warming, all we need to do is move all the stuff that causes it to different countries.
Didn’t address the controls I noticed.
Please read up on how power grids work, before returning to this conversation. Thanks.
Got a point go ahead and make it.
What he means is it’s not getting stored in a battery