Just wondered what people are using for their password management.
I’m currently using 1Password on a family subscription for both password management and 2FA (and then Authy for the 1Password 2FA). But I’m seeing a lot more posters — particularly since joining Lemmy — championing BitWarden (either cloud or self hosted) and Raivo OTP as a cheaper, almost-as-functional alternative.
So is it worth the switch? Will I lose out on anything by doing so?
I’m currently running BitWarden with a free account to see if I can live with it. But I must admit, 1Password is a staple app for me and one that I would say is priceless to my workflow and setup.
Just interested in your thoughts and trying to stimulate conversation!
What’s the problem with Electron apps?
I’ve never understood those problems. I’m not saying they don’t exist, I haven’t investigated it or anything lol, but I don’t see why individual non-electron programs have less overhead than individual electron programs when the argument is that multiple would-be electron apps could share one browser instance because multiple non-electron apps also don’t share anything.
Also I don’t see how not using a chromium base would make programs better about having massive 1 GB directories of various temp files.
What am I missing? Because clearly those problems exist.
I can’t say I fully understand the ins and outs of it because, like you, I’ve never looked into it in any great detail.
I’ve used VS Code for a while and I remember seeing a post on Reddit about how good it is “for an Electron app”, which raised my interest. I then saw more and more complaints about Electron apps, mainly around how they consume a lot of resource and ultimately crash peoples machines, resulting in data loss.
Don’t get me wrong, I see the benefits of Electron apps — they’re easy to deploy across multiple OSes which makes things a lot easier for developers. But I guess as a macOS user, I do love a native app for its look and feel and user experience. Not knocking that on all Electron apps, it’s just a preference.