Have any suggestions for “normies” on iPhone and Android that aren’t Signal?
SimpleX or any XMPP with OMEMO
+1 for simplex
matrix comes to mind, get element on iOS and Android (Fdroid or play store)
your welcome.
I surely do!
Try Session or SimpleX or Threema.
Threema is the oldest and most polished option. You do have to buy a license for a one-time fee though. It’s entirely worth the play store credit I spent, but if I were to buy now, I’d use their website store so I could use the open source app instead.
I cannot really root for threema here because of its centralized nature, although I do appreciate that it has a saner business model than Signal
If those “normies” aren’t turned away by the creation of an account (and if they can use Amazon, I doubt it’s an issue), they can certainly use XMPP :)
Here to pick a provider:
https://providers.xmpp.net/Here for the software: