I bet the delivery guy would still pretend he knocked the door and still mark it as if no one was home
Article I could see before paywalled says auto dealers will be able to sell on Amazon. So this won’t be Hyundai selling direct to customers which is the way it should be in 2024. So this isn’t a win.
I know we saw issues with local deaerships durring the pandemic and supply shortages, but I’m not a fan of vertical monopolies. Most, but not all, dealerships gauged at the time but I think we would see price gouging on an even larger scale if we allowed for direct sales.
Honestly I’d rather it was the manufacturer etc selling directly online rather than through Amazon.
Wait until we get a seller HYUNDAISHOPCH that has 5/5 ratings but sends you a scale model car instead, them you find out the ratings were for carpets not cars.
So it’s going to be like TrueCar or Kelly Blue Book where you give your info and then get harassed for weeks by every dealership in a 500 mile radius?
To be fair the current automotive market creates a lot of dealerships and reduces the risk for car yard salesmen etc and gives the customer the opportunity to shop around, it’s just that with the recent concerns like global warming, e bikes becoming popular and the cartel of automotive techs, the competition has shifted away from dealerships and low level players towards pressuring producers to create a paradigm shift for everyone else to fit into. Another problem for the engineers
Tow truck drop off of a giant cardboard box with Hyundai logos 🤣