My only problem with XMPP (and a lot of other federated protocols) is really the lack of quality clients. Most of them (especially on systems beyond Android and Linux) don’t really have that good of a UX, or their UI is kind of bland or dated.
It’s something that I hope gets improved eventually. Because having a variety of choices doesn’t mean much if none of the choices feel particularly good.
What the other responders said (there are great clients out there, that fit mainstream and niche needs).
Also, it is not a problem of “federated protocols” per se, but of community-led projects. On the downside it may lack consistence and direction, but on the upside you can step in and contribute feedback, tests, documentation, and why not, code :)
What’s up with monocles dev? They have a bunch of forked projects with their own name.
Monocles Launcher is based on KISS Launcher.
I got mom to use Conversations.