In most developing countries you can buy a SIM card with a decent data plan for a very low price. If you rack up a huge roaming bill in this day and age you’re simply an idiot.
It’s almost like there were no real consequences he would face so he didn’t care.
This is what it’s like to be rich, entitled and without remorse or consequence for any of your actions. They don’t consider the obvious because they consider themselves above it.
In a truly developed country you would not have to do anything, roaming would be free.
You can do that anywhere. Still, roaming for data shouldn’t be a thing, it’s a scam. Your internet is just routed through the local telco and there’s really no extra cost for that data.
Or alternatively not taking the mobile operators side - being able to charge £10000 data costs to stream a couple of football matches worth of data shouldn’t be allowed.
In what possible way does that price come anywhere close to the costs of the providers in servicing that data?
Yeah eSIMS are great for this. You can buy them online and run multiple ones on your phone alongside your primary SIM.
The problem is that most Europeans got so used to EU mandated free roaming all over EU in the past decade that they probably forget how hard they will be screwed in someplace like Turkey.