Why are politicans allowed to publicly spend while privately holidaying? God I would love a fucking real holiday like that
It’s his business phone, not like he expensed his hotel or something.
would you prefer politicians have zero way to be contacted by the outside world for weeks at a time?
It’s not a phone. It’s an iPad. And we don’t know who it belongs to.
Business devices for business. Business pay for them. Personal devices for personal stuff. You pay for them.
If you rack up an £11k bill on your business device, and you are expensing it from public funds, you have to justify it to the public. If you rack up an £11k bill on your personal devices nobody cares as its your bill.
It’s not rocket science.
An iPad most likely associated with his business mobile plan. Companies generally cover the roaming charge for it’s employees because it means that employee is reachable if shit hits the fan while they are abroad. Mine does, and it’s silly to assume it would be any different for someone holding public office.
The only difference here is he went from a country where roaming is free (or like $1/GB), to a country where it is crazy expensive, racked up a ludicrous bill on his company plan, and then hoped no one would notice
I’m going to go ahead and ignore what you wrote. It’s largely incorrect and screams ‘I havent read the article’. My answer would be what I wrote previously so I’d be repeating myself
Just as a heads up, we use £ in Scotland. Not $.
using his parliamentary iPad as a data hotspot,
Wow the article says the exact same thing I did, what are the odds
Just as a heads up, we use £ in Scotland. Not $.
Most people can infer fundamental meaning from conversational context, sorry that is lost on you