This needs to happen with Appl too. AppleTV/Safari/Messages/etc app for MacOS + SIP my ass. Its not integral and if you’ve made it so you need to unmake it so, along with other bundled crap. SIP should literally refer to that and only that in aggregate which is necessary to ensure the system is able to function, not per se function in an un-overruleable way for the maker.
Don’t forget TV brands like samsung and LG who force some apps down your throat even if you don’t want them. You can’t remove those apps. Amazon is even worse with their firetv devices, they just install apps on your behalf that you can’t remove. We don’t own anything anymore.
Ya but I can just use a box and not have the TV itself connected to the internet and you can have it in gaming mode so you basically never see the splash screen with all tha crap
I do this as well, but the smart TV bullshit on my Vizio constantly switches itself back on.
I have a button on my remote now that fixes my input by switching to the box in one fell swoop because this happens so much. There is no setting to stop this, as I already have it set to not change the input.
Yes. They should allow removing apps like Safari and, as you said, Apple TV, iMessage, and other non-basic (on a computer) utilities, then downloading them again from the App Store.
On an unrelated note, I also turn off SIP to change the icons of system apps.