Edit: ideally wifi cameras that I can solar power.
Looking to replace my Arlo cameras with something self-hostable. Arlo lets you store on a USB stick, but there’s no way to get out from under their cloud, which gets more expensive all the time.
Openipc looks interesting. Just did a quick search and it’s kind of difficult to find a camera that specifies it’s chip.
Yeah, I’m willing to try it if I knew which cameras are supported, not just what chip.
Yeah, i faced the same challenge. I understand why they do it like that (cameras potentially mixing socs)…
I think there are some make/ models on their project but its far and few. Ive flashed 1 camera so far but had to check the soc myself
I need to crack open my (cheap chinese) cameras and check them at some point. Ive noticed them pinging my pihole for secu100 for cloud services. At least theyre blocked for internet access!