That’s a complicated question because of “grandfathering.” I pay $50 per month per line for my plan, and that includes unlimited high-speed data in the US. My plan would cost $75 per month per line now for the same benefits, but there is a new cheaper plan that does not include the roaming data but it also has “deprioritized” data in the US.
That said, it’s still only $35 (I was wrong about the price above, but still not terrible) to add 5GB of international data for a month, even on a plan that doesn’t include any. There is never the “pay per MB at an insane rate” option.
Interesting, my plan is cheaper overall, but roaming is more expensive. My unlimited plan for new contracts is 27 eur (29.50 usd), in reality mine gets covered by company and I know that for them it costs something like 10 eur. It includes 25 GB free data in EU.
I hate to justify a corporation’s prices for them, but I have to imagine building and maintaining a network that covers the better part of a country the size of the US is more expensive. The US is twice the size of the entire EU and I imagine your carrier doesn’t cover the EU directly but has roaming agreements.