I’ve taken it too far haven’t I?
Bit too low for me but interesting. I think ditching pinky column completely is too much, I’d rather go 3*4+2 per hand minimum.
What’s the layout?
It’s my own layout starting from Colemak DH with the “missing” outer keys on another layer.
Yeah I’m doing it to establish a common layout for my symbol / number / navigation layers more than anything else, so I can expand from there to some 28 and 30 key keyboards as well as the Ferris Sweep with some consistant muscle memory.
This is mine (I have few changes tho) if you want some inspiration :) it’s 34 based on Canary layout.
I really love small format but I struggle with chords misfiring. But it’s a good mix of one shot (shift and symbol layer) with hold (navigation) layers. I think I couldn’t go lower without sacrificing typing speed.