This was the dumbest thing to say. Obviously you don’t know anything about radio waves propagation. 4G for example have different frequency bands ranging from 700MHz till 2500MHz and radio waves can propagate not only using line of sight (LOS) but also by reflection, diffraction (bending around obstacles) and scattering. Saying that they rely solely on LoS is misleading!
GSM radio waves can penetrate buildings and obstacles but this of course attenuates. The propagation depends on the frequency, and as a general rule of thumb the lower the frequency the higher the coverage but lower the bandwidth, that’s why GSM operators are usually using higher frequency in densely populated areas and lower frequencies in sparsely populated areas. The coverage depends on their GSM network, how it is optimised and designed and usually operators need to choose what areas to cover and not to.
This was not the dumbest thing to say at all. For all your extra words, those high frequencies are de facto line of sight. If you live in the mountains anywhere remotely rural you know this is true. Also, the low frequency bands are known for their penetration and diffraction, but even VHF (~150MHz) is considered line of sight due to its low diffraction. On what basis are you so confident? Neither physics or empirical evidence back you up. Pretty high-handed with your, “dumbest thing to say,” comment.