As some may have noticed, a fairly large portion of the post on this community are article links posted by bots. I am no moderator and am just a regular user like the rest of you, but I want to know what the community thinks of the posting bots. here is a sample of my opinion to get conversation started:


  • lots of content to engage with
  • people can focus on discussing things not finding thing


  • lack of reliable quality of article
  • lack of diversity of content
    62 years ago

    I’m more annoyed they’re intermingled. The small userbase here isn’t posting enough to fill a feed, but the bots do make things weird.

    If you’re in a news community, politics, tech space, etc. it can be pretty annoying to have both bots and users posting. Maybe if it was a news community that was only bots or no bots, that would be an improvement.