This is fearmongering bullshit that incorrectly equates machine learning with human intelligence and is totally ignorant of the law.
I get it, you want to use AI. Don’t worry, it’ll stick around.
But the free ride of big companies owned by millionaires and billionaires helping themselves to every piece of data and knowledge that happens to be on the internet somewhere is going to end. Every bubble bursts eventually, and hopefully AI comes out better in the end.
Fuck yeah you get it
Never said the intelligences were the same, only that the use of the data is the same. Whether one AI company trawls the internet for public data or millions of users each trawl a little bit of the internet, they don’t care. They just recognize a nice deep pocket to go after for another income stream.
Non fiction and academic publishers have been gouging students and academics for years. They don’t deserve your sympathy.