An extremely high-energy particle is detected coming from an apparently empty region of space::Amaterasu particle, one of highest-energy cosmic rays ever detected, is coming from an apparently empty region of space
When they say “local void”, do they mean like a cone extending in that direction with nothing behind it or a space with nothing inside it but stuff behind it?
If it’s the former, what is going on with that?
If it’s the latter, couldn’t this have traveled from one of the things behind it?
If it’s the former, what is going on with that?
If you look at the universe structure, it’s not entirely implausible to have some straight lines that don’t intersect any bodies of mass, depending on how far back in time you’re looking.
If it’s the latter, couldn’t this have traveled from one of the things behind it?
Only if that thing is/was ahead of the lightspeed/space expansion event horizon.