I wish there were actual consequences that matter for this type of appalling greedy behavior.
That’s how you know we’re all living in oligarchies masquerading as democracies. Many actions that most people agree should be crimes are not, and the crimes that are broken aren’t enforced. I mean, the rich and powerful in “democracies” get away with literal mass murder and ecocide, and the worst they face from the state 99% of the time is a slap on the wrist that’s 1/1000th the profit of their crimes.
The only time oligarchs fall is if they fuck with other oligarchs, or to protect other oligarchs. How many hundreds/thousands of pedo’s were ignored with Epstein and Maxwell taking the fall?
Kleptocracies. That’s the word.
I prefer kakistocracy. Fits the whole thing rather than just the theft.
Tbf aristocracies are a shit government, too. Source: history
Yeah, but the meaning of the word doesn’t fit reality: true aristocracy (as in, the people governing TRULY being the best ones, without a doubt) would pretty much just be democracy without demagogues, spin doctors and other forms of corruption of the process…
Oh. Isn’t that what got the world to where it is now? How would you keep certain martins from overthrowing legally elected governments anywhere near center, let alone left?
without demagogues, spin doctors and other forms of corruption of the process…
You know, the things that convince regular people to vote against their own best interests aka for right wing and centrist frauds.
As for how to remove those destructive elements, I’m thinking publicly funded (as in zero private money allowed, not even self-funding) ranked choice elections with a shitload of mandatory independent fact checking and robust enforcement of all election laws and regulations.
Goes without saying that all laws giving one or both establishment parties an inherent advantage over the other or “third” parties would need to be scrapped too.
A whole mess of redistricting would be necessary too, of course.
I’m not saying it would be easy or even POSSIBLE to achieve, just answering your question 🤷
That it’s imaginable means possibility exists. We just need to imagine mechanisms of achievement.