I just installed Ubuntu (the more mainstream ofnlinux distros) to replace my windows OS. I was greeted by a cryptic error. After a quick search for some tecno bable, i had to start on safe mode and install the video drivers.
Do you think a “regular user” would be able to do this?
Don’t use Ubuntu desktop, it’s really buggy and full of snaps. Please try Pop OS and you will come back and say how smooth it is, and how you loved it.
Yeah, i belive you (despite the ltt fiasco), but to say that any distro is ready for the average person is just wrong. Thats just my point
but to say that any distro is ready for the average person is just wrong.
Would an average person install Windows on their machine?
Is your video card Nvidia by curiosity?
Yes, thats was the issue. I know about the proprietary drivers and the typical NVIDIA bullshit.