Why Bother With uBlock Being Blocked In Chrome? Now Is The Best Time To Switch To Firefox::Choose the browser that best suits your privacy needs.
some websites don’t work on Firefox
Are you sure? Is there a list of these websites? I’ve been primarily using FF for a decade and haven’t encountered any.
Same. Usually it’s a case of “the site is broken on both”, or a hard refresh is needed, so switching browsers feels like it works
I’ve had some map sites that just refuse to work on ff
I never had that issue, untill starting last week. Now Google Maps won’t work, for some reason.
It worked for years before that, it’s a recent thing, in my case at least. Makes me wonder what’s going on.
Have you tried spoofing your User Agent to Chrome with a user agent switcher extension? The site might actually work in Firefox.
I’ve had a couple straight up tell me I had to use Edge/Chrome recently.
I don’t have any specific list. But I have ran into a few issues with Firefox. (mostly on my IPhone) In my experience Firefox on Mobile is just up to par with Desktop.
Last I checked all browsers on IOS are required by Apple to be basically a reskinned Safari.
Firefox on iOS is Safari under the hood.
I’ve ran into a few in the last year or two. I also can’t flash things like ESP32s (ESPHome) using Firefox for some security reasons, but this is fine as I’d rather be safe than sorry with my main browser.
Unfortunately there really are websites that don’t work in Firefox. Not a nice list, but issues should be reported here: https://webcompat.com/issues?page=1&per_page=50&state=open&stage=all&sort=updated&direction=desc&q=label%3Abrowser-firefox usable
Personally, I have been using Firefox for years and will continue using it.
Firefox also has a builtin list of overrides at about:compat