“Old RTX 3080 GPUs”
That was my first thought, they are only last gen guys! And easily comparable to the top of the line in the current gen!
With 20GB?! I’d take that over a 4070 or even 4080 any day
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that’s just called “used”, my 1060 is “old”.
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Ouch, that hurt me right in the gtx 1060
FYI, LTT did a video showing ex crypto cards are totally fine. But let’s keep that between us so the second hand market for those cards keeps low prices.
They can be fine. If they were properly undervolted and cooled. It’s still a gamble.
After the last controversy around him, I’d take everything they release with a huge mound of salt.
Linus Media Group’s main goal is to maintain their break neck schedule of releasing content, not to ensure 100% accuracy or that they’ve properly listed all caveats. Not to say that they don’t care about accuracy, but that it is greatly eclipsed by their release schedule.