Why would any company sell batteries that need to be replaced less often? Companies are greedy as fuck and don’t care about consumers. It’s all about their bottom line. And if you’re not buying enough, often enough, than companies hate you.
If you prevent them from collusion and price fixing through regulation competition wi… ha lmfao I can’t even pretend.
I’ll paye extra for a safer battery that lasts longer.
And that provide an output that doesn’t diminish as much in cold weather. EVs in the cold of nordic countries means a terrible mileage on a charge.
LiFePo batteries are pretty safe and last a long time. The just need a heated blanket for sub freezing to charge. There’s some videos showing puncture resistance/fire resistance between battery types. Neat stuff.
Will Prowse has one I think
For one, they could recoup the money they spent doing research by selling a bunch of new cars with the batteries.
Also, rechargeable batteries exist even though they also sell single use batteries.
if someone had some new functional battery tech that lasted a decade, that person would be richer than all fuck. its all about volume, and youre forgetting just how tiny this planet has become with 8 billion humans on it.
you just dont understand scale at all