I’d like to be able to order a vehicle off Amazon and have it delivered. That really isn’t so crazy.
Cannot you buy Hyundai through Amazon?
Apparently you can order it but you still have to go to a dealer to settle the deal and pick it up. So, lame.
Yes, especially since they don’t have to be fitted like clothes or shoes. It’s off-the-shelf anyways.
That’s the one thing where I agree with Musk, they’re not necessary.
I remember coming across an article on amazon planning to start selling Hyundai cars online. This is the one https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/amazon-hyundai-partnership
I don’t want amazon involved in anything, but I’ve bought a car off the internet before and had it delivered. I only had to to go anywhere to do the wire transfer at my bank.
Carvana actually works pretty well this way.