Tech company has no data.
People who have investments in:
• corporate real estate and companies like Blackrock, Concord Pacific and Amazon who easily own tens of billions of dollars of corporate real estate.
• downtown coffee shops that exist toripoffserve otherwise stranded office workers.
• car and oil companies because all that rush hour traffic makes them money.
• road construction companies since rush hour traffic jams means easy bribing governments into paying billions for complex and frequently experimental road enhancements.You forgot the governments who gave Amazon $5 billion in subsidies to have offices in their jurisdictions:
Here’s a fun article from pre-covid about Amazon buying Vancouver’s old post office building. They gutted the historic building and left only the outer shell.
Adding an estimated 4.2 million square feet of office space in one of the most expensive cities and pro-WFH cities in the world.
And were only expecting to use 1.1 million of that.