But, only way I have found I can get casting + sponsorblock without messing with any third party apps on TVs or casting devices has been just using Safari + sponsorblock and using air play.
Paying for YouTube doesn’t solve the issue of me wanting to avoid being exposed to segments of people begging me to like and subscribe etc. Those I actually find way more annoying than ads.
That part is annoying but I generally don’t subscribe to channels that overdo it. My remote has a button to skip 10s forward so I keep pressing it until I see sponsored segment is over.
I’d love to be able to use sponsorblock on ATV but I don’t see how it could be reasoned that it makes morally ok to not pay Google and content creators for the service they provide (with cash, ad views or otherwise). Video hosting ain’t cheap.
But, I don’t have to press any remote at all. I don’t even need sponsor block installed on any ATV or Android device. It’s been as simple as just air playing a video from safari. Such a polished experience.