How have others gotten friends/family to make the switch? I’ve been doing a cleanup of my digital life over the last year or so and am trying to move to using more privacy friendly alternatives where possible.
example: I’d love to switch to Signal only but everyone I know only uses WhatsApp. I’ve mentioned switching to people in the past but it’s always the same response (I don’t have anything to hide)
Why everybody is talking about signal? Isnt a matrix also a good alternative? It requires no phone number + has almost the same feature set. For chatting with family and friend it scales enough good. It is fully open source.
I’ve started using Matrix instead of Discord (not that I really ever used Discord).
Why are so many people comparing discord with matrix instead of revolt
In my case, I’ve seen a lot of Discord groups linked with Matrix. As well as it being mentioned a whole bunch online
personally, signal is a lot easier to set up for a family member who doesnt care about privacy. its just a sms replacement basically, just need a phone number (which is also a downside, of course)
In Matrix all u need is username, email and password and ur ready to go. Homeserver is configured automatically to (which is a problem, but nvm)
The downside of matrix is complexity of choosing a client though. And in general understanding a concept of matrix is not easy for regilar person.
For example u can say: “Im on Signal”, but u cant say: “im on FluffyChat”, or Element whatever, it sounds wrong, cuz these are only the clients and everything is working on matrix. But the regular person needs an object: telegram, signal, whatsapp - these all are just single entities. On the other hand u have matrix with clients, homeservers, spaces and all of this complexity, and that is not easy to understand.
Yeah, i hope in future this problem will be resolved.