In the reboot or in real life?
'Cause they were shit in real life. I don’t think the asthmatic v6 they came with could even make it to 88mph
In the reboot.
Really? That’s disappointing.
I can’t find a top speed figure but it did have a 0-60mph of 10.5 seconds…and that was the manual.
So it may have made it to 88 but it would take a looooong time to get there. Certainly longer than the Libyans need to hit it with an RPG.
Even better, the original DeLorean didn’t have a speedometer that went to 88mph. They had to change the gauge cluster for the movie.
A 1975 econobox was that slow. Lol
but it could be tweaked back into life and had some actually interesting features. its a shit vehicle, but it could have been more.
the cybertruck is just landfill material.
Don’t send it to the landfill! I bet you could make a few stainless steel sinks out of it.
The whole reason it was used in the original was that it was already a massive joke of a car.
Looks ok but runs like shit, the gull wing doors broke all the time and leaked like a sive.
It’s use in BTTF actually saved its reputation and gave it a place in people’s heart’s it never had before.
That was why I made the comparison. Shit car that needs a movie to make it relevant and slightly cool.
Precisely. That’s even why Doc Brown sees it as being stylish - he’s a bit out of touch
Yes. At least a DeLorean is a Lotus underneath, and the weak engine can be/has been solved.
I can confirm this. My friends neighbor had a DeLorean and it sat in the driveway covered in a tarp waiting for “parts” 98% of the time. I can count the times I saw him drive it on one hand.