Oh dang, I love it. It’s awesome to be able to see what my total cost is as I shop. I definitely buy less when I do it that way, and added bonuses include everything already being bagged the way I like it and not having to talk to people (at least usually). I did it all the time during the pandemic.
The only thing is that I wish I had something other than the phone for the scanning. Using the phone camera to scan isn’t anywhere near as fast/good as using a scanning gun.
But my guess is that it got removed because too many people were “scanning” and just taking off. It’s pretty easy to fool self check, but enough people will avoid trying because there are people there, cameras, etc. Pretty hard to get that coverage on the whole store.
Maybe, and that’s probably the reason they cite, but honestly I bet the real reason is that people were buying less and so they wanted to make it as difficult as they could without removing the option entirely.