Researchers in the UK claim to have translated the sound of laptop keystrokes into their corresponding letters with 95 percent accuracy in some cases.
That 95 percent figure was achieved with nothing but a nearby iPhone. Remote methods are just as dangerous: over Zoom, the accuracy of recorded keystrokes only dropped to 93 percent, while Skype calls were still 91.7 percent accurate.
In other words, this is a side channel attack with considerable accuracy, minimal technical requirements, and a ubiquitous data exfiltration point: Microphones, which are everywhere from our laptops, to our wrists, to the very rooms we work in.
You don’t need physical access, just some malware
Which you still need to have previously installed…
If the person has allowed malware to be installed just install a keylogger (which gives you 100% accuracy every time) rather than jump through more hoops with this.
Different devices
I would have an easier time infecting someone‘s personal phone than a company machine
You would, would you?
Well, I must be talking to a leet hacker then.
Ok, install malware on my phone.
How did you get that from what I said?
I would have an easier time infecting someone‘s personal phone than a company machine
What did you mean by this then other than you, personally, are skilled at such things and have system penetration experience?
Easier doesn’t mean easy but I can send you an email/give you a link
The company email server should block it and the firewall should block the website
Check out this game!
But the page is actually
Knowing this doesn’t make me 1337