They’ve done this to me. When it first came out,I bought the fallout 4 DLCs. I cleared my email one time and deleted all those old purchase receipts.
One day last year, I pop in fallout 4 and go to my file, and it says that I don’t have the dlc that corresponds to this save file. I know I bought them, so I go to the psn to redownload, but it’s asking me to pay. Long story short, I call Sony, my dlc purchase vanished at some point, and since I deleted the receipt, Sony refused to give me the content or money. They say I can’t prove I owned it, even though my files say so.
Anecdotal, I had the same with EA. When Origin first launched, the two games I had in my EA account disappeared. Do amount of battling with their support got me anywhere, even though I had the retail copies and the serial keys.
Got to the point where I gave up. Rather play games I actually wanted to play, to than Spore and The Sims 3.
Spore had itself a 3 or 5 installs limit before not allowing you to install it anymore.
So they stole from you and experienced no repercussions. Great story. I hope that you’ve at least stopped buying other titles from them.
I couldn’t care less about the two games, and fighting on principle seemed like too much effort at the time.
But yes, I’ve not bought an EA game since.
No credit card receipt? It might help.
Banks will charge for record searched, FYI.