You could overlay this map onto the enthusiasm for permanent DST and see a pretty good pattern. Those of us on the western edge of a time zone have a lot to lose in that scenario(9AM sunrises) where folks on the eastern edges would be worse off in a permanent ST plan (3pm sunsets).
Pretty much the real reason for the time change imo. If you pick a permanent time, there are winners and losers. So… we keep doing this dumb shit.
I wake up in darkness and I get off work in darkness, and I’m in the lower 48. I hate standard time. :P
Time change don’t alter the angle of the earth. You don’t have enough hours of sunlight to get light at both ends of your day. It’s not standard time, it’s your latitude.
Folks on the eastern side of the time zones wouldn’t be any more worse off with permanent ST than we already are. We already use ST in the winter when the effective daylight hours are shortest. Permanent DT would be a quality of life improvement for eastern edge of timezone folks in the winter at the expense of late sunrises for western edge of timezone people. Permanent ST I think is at least better than the switching in that it doesn’t make the short day hours any worse and gets rid of the clock change silliness.
Having the sun rise at 4 am is pretty annoying though. That’s what the permanent standard time does to eastern areas.
Permanent UTC with no timezones is where it’s at.
Everyone should just switch to zulu time, and each area can set their normal operation hours. Companies don’t really follow 8-5 strictly anyway.
When did 9-5 become 8-5? I’ve seen it written multiple times recently.
When was it ever 9-5? My entire adult life normal working hours has always been 8-5 with a 1 hour lunch.