Got this email from Autodesk that Fusion is increasing their annual price by a huge amount. I subbed for 1 year a couple years ago for I think $380. Then I was able to get an educational sub after that. Fusion is still the cheapest CAD software out there, not including the free stuff like FreeCAD, but still, this price increase is massive.
It should be noted that it’s still free to use for personal use minus the extra features.
Onshape has replaced fusion for me, was an easy switch.
Isn’t onshape for non-commercial only?
Non-commercial is the free version, with all your parts public.
They also have a pro license with a fee, where your parts are then private obviously.
The pro license is like $2000 per year.
So TheDuckPrince was right all along.
If on shape had built in CAM like fusion does, I’d switch in a heartbeat.
Ya TheDuckPrince clearly didnt look very hard for competitors, onshape is great.
I find Onshape to be much better than fusion.