ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism::undefined
Do you include folks with level 3 non verbal autism with greater epilepsy frequency and self harm in the group that doesn’t need a therapy?
Yes, because we still got things we wouldn’t have without those people. Because some are barely functioning doesn’t mean they don’t function. And they’re so different than most people than they bring entirely different things to humanity.
It is also an obvious slippery slope to Genism and don’t even try to tell me that humanity can control itself and that this won’t be used the wrong way.
Either you know it will, or you’re clueless about the horrors humanity exacts.
What they bring is suffering. No one ever wishes for a non responsible child. No one wants their child to be the “special one”. No one wants all the hardship it brings. Even the proxy Munchausen prefers to have a functioning level so they don’t have to do the work. No one wants to be tested by a “greater power” (random gene selection) especially not the sick little being that Teoretically Could be cured but there are people like you who like to decide stuff for OTHERS. How much time do you spend at orphanage with special needs? How much contact do you have to sit on the high horse and try to be god? How much time and money do you spend on personally helping the kids? How many diapers did you change to get to this opinion?
Gene thereapy has a right to exist. And with everything else as humans, we will abuse it to the limit. The problem is not the cure but the mindset. And your pretentious preaching won’t bring conversation only suffering. You are not helping.
You recognize humans will abuse it and then say I’m not helping. I was gonna say that you’re missing the point but as I read more and more, I see you just choose to ignore it, great cognitive dissonance here.
Let me guess you are anti abortion too.
That doesn’t relate in any way and no. Try again to have a point to make.
It is the exact argument. You are holding up potential cure because it can be used for evil. While preaching that your way is the only way.
“Cure”, so, again, you’re ignoring the point that considering it as something to be cured is the bigoted point of view. I already explained why, stop cherry picking and trying to make me say what I didn’t, you’re just showing how ignorant you are.
Interestingly you haven’t answered my question. Hiw much actal contact you had with these people you don’t want to help? At leat have you seen them in real life? Because you are doing everything with your demagogue to hurt them.
Imagine a world more inclusive, for them, first, then ask that question. Imagine if the world could be made more comfortable and less traumatic and painful, for them. And there are some who are of that category that do just fine. So do we force them to change too?
As a neuro-divergent person I have two words: fuck you.
I’d gladly take a shot to make my biochemistry change. It sucks. And my issues are trivial compared to autism.
Holy shit, for real.
If I could’ve taken a shot to make it go away and lead a healthy emotional life I would’ve done that in a heartbeat. It sucks so much to be around healthy people and know you’ll never be like them. I don’t resent them, in fact I’m happy for them, but holy shit the envy hurts so much.
I can imagine a world where technology eliminates the need for people to live with life-debilitating disorders.
Yes, let’s imagine a world less traumatic and painful, filled with people who don’t try to halt technological and medical progress because of personal beliefs.