ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism::undefined
Autism isn’t just a condition, that’s the deal, Autism is a heavily different way of thinking. It shapes Autistic behavior and their viewpoint on life. To them, science has been dedicated to focusing on eradicating a component of their existence, one that a lot of them (definitely not all, there are a lot with your opinion, but I would say a majority) have embraced and wouldn’t want changed. Those Autistics are looking for acceptance, not erasure.
With an anti-Autism treatment available, neurotypical parents will just force it on their Autistic kids, deciding their fate for them, but would also open up an “out” for those who want it, so this isn’t a clear cut good-or-bad thing as one may think.
Technological and medical progress is not something to be halted based on your personal belief. If there is a way to eliminate a disability, it should be taken, both for the sake of the afflicted and for the entirety of society. You don’t have any right to ruin the lives of people that are born broken but can be repaired.
What if the disability was just neurodivergent people trying to make a livelihood in their way with their abilities, but doing so in a neurotypical world where neurotypicals make the rules and tell neurodivergents that they cannot participate because they act in ways that are not socially acceptable or require accomodation to adapt to enforced neurotypical norms?
Maybe we seem broken because we don’t behave the same way, and maybe the disability exists because we’re inconvenient to the neurotypicals running the show to accommodate
Maybe the lives are already being ruined due to societal policy and unwritten rules and a treatment won’t resolve the root cause of a problem that isn’t our fault to begin with.
tl;dr, no, you change