• Dick Justice
    31 year ago

    I met a guy in the city that supported himself selling cracked firesticks, I shit you not. 40 bucks a pop and it’d be plug and play all the way supposedly, and that’s all he did, sell those via word of mouth.

    As an old, I have to chuckle at the whole thing as it reminds me of the '80s when (if you knew who to talk to) you could pay a guy to open up your 13 channel, wood paneled cable box, move a few things around, and give you free Home Box Office. It was the tits, let me tell you.

    Fuck, I’m getting old.

    • TWeaK
      1 year ago

      For me, it was the guy in the pub selling bootleg cigarettes and tobacco. Then, for a time, they would sell CDs and DVDs. Although now that I think about it they did VHS back in the day also.

      These days I’m pretty sure all hacked firesticks have moved to a subscription model. There’s a game of whack-a-mole being played with rights holders and streamers, particularly with sports, so there is some back end work being done keeping it seemless for the user.